Saturday, September 6, 2008

1st day of School

Here are some pictures of the girls
on their first day of school!

Here is Adriana in Mrs. Cross' 4th grade classroom.

Here is Alexis in Mrs. Baldus/Mrs. Ryans' 1st grade classroom.

The Little girls are growing up!

They are excited to be at the same
school together again this year!


Unknown said...

I want to know the first person who recognizes a grave mistake that I made for this post. Let me know who you are and what the mistake is. This is a race and a contest to see who is most observant ;)

Cathy said...

I am waiting for someone to write down the answer. I obviously am not the most observant...

Unknown said...

If you haven't found it, then maybe it isn't as "grave" as I originally thought. I was sure you would be the first one to notice. My entry was on the 6th of September...I forgot to blog on the 5th! I'm trying really hard not to let that ruin my whole month.

Cathy said...

It is the 10th and I know you have been up since 5...I am waiting for your update!