Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sleepy Heads

I had my friends,
Cathy and Becky over to my house
for an afternoon of
Games and Subway!

Isaac was wandering around
and fell asleep right here,
just like this with
the Care Bear tucked under him!
It was definitely passed his naptime.

Adriana woke up one morning
and had worked very hard
all night long on her hair!

Alexis woke up one morning
and had worked even
harder on her bird's nest...
I mean hair!

This blog is dedicated to all the
"Sleepy Heads" in my life.


Mom said...

I wish I could sleep like Issac and that I had hair enough to wake up with bed head.

Cathy said...

Love the hair pictures. This post makes me want to go back to bed!