Monday, January 25, 2010

Daddy/Daughter Sock Hop

Adriana and David had fun going to the...
Daddy/Daughter Sock Hop.

It was an activity put on by the Burnsville Stake,
for the 10-11 year old Activity Girls.

They had a professional photographer taking pictures.

They served Spaghetti and Salad for dinner.

Daddy's did daughter's hair.

Lori does Adriana's hair for a reason ;)

The next activity was to make Valentine's
for a Food Shelter.

David shaved Adriana's face.

Then it was Adriana's turn to shave David's face.

Adriana and David had fun learning a simple dance.

They had a blast dancing,
once they caught on a little.


Cathy said...

That looks like a really fun activity. If they do it again next year Em and Erik can join Adriana and David...oh wait Adriana will already be in YWs. How is THAT possible?

The Zenn family said...

What a good dad...looks like they had fun!

Louise said...

Looks like fun! Especially because I read the title as "sock HELP" and was expecting a post about laundry! :-)